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  • Ava Robotics

Ava Featured in iRobot CEO Colin Angle's 'Cool Stuff' Series

Did you know that Ava has iRobot tech roots? Here's a brief history lesson: iRobot has proven and continues to show leadership and innovation within consumer robotics with the Roomba, Braava, and iRobot Education robots. In 2016, our founders, Youssef Saleh and Marcio Macedo, took the Ava technology outside of iRobot to independently pursue their vision for robots in the workplace: enabling people and driving better business outcomes.

We truly value our iRobot heritage and were excited when their team reached about including Ava in iRobot CEO Colin Angle's 'Cool Stuff' series. This episode highlights how robots have stepped up to COVID19 challenges in a variety of ways. Using the Ava + MIT CSAIL collaboration for the GBFB as an example, Colin discusses how this proof-of-concept robot was able to quickly and effectively respond to COVID limitations and increased demand for safety and social distance at the Food Bank.

From this prototype, we gained valuable momentum to drive us toward launching our own Ava UV Disinfection Robot. As 2020 continued, we also learned that there is longevity for UV disinfection robots for COVID times and far beyond.

We take pride in the safety, collaboration, and business operations our Telepresence and UV robots enable, even despite the limitations and challenges brought about by the pandemic. But, more importantly, we look forward to Ava technology helping drive a more fluid, flexible, and satisfying workplace.

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