The pandemic fueled the need for new business thinking, along with the utilization of new technologies, including workplace robots. But the adoption and use of robots in the workplace will not be temporary. Workplace robots not only solve complex, short-term challenges, they can also help drive operational productivity and cultural sustainability for years to come. Workplace robots empower people, enable business processes, and improve the workplace.
To hear how Telepresence and UV Disinfection robots are advancing the workplace and helping companies put people first:

Photo credit: Robot Business Review
A More Intelligent Workplace
Delivering on a vision of robots working with and for people, our team at Ava continues to draw inspiration, product iteration, and workplace innovation from our customers, partners, and industry peers. Ava robots are designed and built with people in mind, and, right now, businesses are changing their cultures and thinking to prioritize peace-of-mind, experience, and agility in the workplace.
The workplace experience is currently being evaluated and evolved with a critical eye — a process which is long overdue. Technology solutions like mobile telepresence systems and UV robots, whose adoption has been accelerated by the massive business and social transitions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, will emerge as mainstays in the workplace, not to replace people, but to work for and with them. These same systems also provide businesses with a real opportunity to transform operationally, as well as culturally, putting productivity and people at the forefront.