Happy Women's History Month from Ava!

As stated in this article from CIO: "Despite national conversations about gender diversity in tech, women are still underrepresented, underpaid, and often discriminated against in the tech industry, numbers show. According to data from the National Science Foundation, more women than ever are earning STEM degrees — and they are catching up to men in earning bachelor’s degrees in science and engineering (S&E) subjects...Still, while women are less represented in undergrad CS departments, those who do pursue computer science degrees are more likely to dive more deeply these days, as the percentage of master’s degrees in computer science earned by women rose to 31% in 2016, up from 28% in 1997."
There is a long way to go from equality and representation for women in technology, and the pandemic has also had order of magnitude impacts on women in the workforce, which will take significant time to rebound. But, on a smaller scale, there are many women putting in the work to advance themselves, their peers, and their industries within technology (and many others).
Women at Ava
As a diverse group, Ava recognizes the value of what unique backgrounds and experiences contribute to our work, company, and product. So this month, the team wanted to take a moment to recognize and celebrate not only the wonderful women we have on our Ava team, but also Women in Robotics as a growing and global presence.
Thank you for all that you do!
Additionally, our friends at the Kendall Square Association (KSA) reached out to create a feature profile for our very own Alyssa Pierson to highlight women in our local MA tech community who are making moves and impacts. Other featured women include Celina Chang of Lab Central, Michal Preminger of Johnson & Johnson, Karla MacDonald of Ipsen, and Mireille Kamariza from Broad Institute.
Alyssa, we are so thrilled to have you on board. Your experience, expertise and perspective elevates our scientific research and process.
